11 Abraham and Sara were both olde and well stryken in age, and it ceased to be wyth Sara after the maner as it is with wyues.
12 And Sara laughed in her selfe sayinge: Now I am waxed olde, shall I geue my self to lust, and my Lorde olde also?
13 Than sayd the Lord vnto Abraham: wherfore doth Sara laughte sayinge: shall I of a suertie bere a chylde, now when I am olde?
14 is the thyng to harde for the Lorde to do? In the tyme appoynted wyll I returne vnto the, as sone as the frute can haue lyfe, and Sara shall haue a sonne.
15 Than Sara denyed it sayinge: I laughed not, for she was afrayde. But he sayde: yes thou laughtest.