8 Then sayd Abram vnto Lot: Let there be no strife (I pray the) betwene the and me, and betwene my herdmen and thine, for we be brethren.
9 Is not al the whole land before the? Departe I praye the fro me. If thou wilte take the lyfte hande, I wyll take the ryght: or if thou take the ryght hand I wyll take the lyfte.
10 And Lot lyft vp hys eyes, and beheld al the contry about Iordane, whych was a plentuous contry of water euery wher, before the Lorde destroyed Sodome & Gomorha, euen as the garden of the Lorde, & as the Land of Egypt tyll thou come to Zoar.
11 Then Lot chose al the costes of Iordane, and toke his iorney from the east. And so departed the one brother from the other.
12 Abram dwelled in the lande of Canaan: & Lot in the cities of the playne, & tented tyll he came to Sodome.
13 But the men of Sodome were wicked, & sinned exceadyngly against the Lord.