Galatians 4:9-20

Matthew(i) 9 But nowe seynge, ye knowe God (yea rather are knowen of God) how is it that ye turne agayne to the weake & beggerly ceremonies, wherevnto agayne ye desyre a freshe to be in bondage? 10 Ye obserue dayes, and monethes, and tymes, and yeares. 11 I am in feare of you lest I haue bestowed on you laboure in vayne. 12 Brethren I beseche you, be ye as I am, for I am as ye are. Ye haue not hurte me at all. 13 Ye knowe howe thorowe infyrmytye of the fleshe, I preached the Gospell vnto you at the fyrste. 14 And my temptacion whiche I suffered by reason of my flesh, ye dispysed not, neyther abhorred, but receyued me as an Angell of God: yea as Christe Iesu. 15 How happye were ye then? for I beare you recorde that yf it had bene possyble, ye woulde haue plucked oute youre owne eyes, and haue geuen them to me. 16 Am I therfore become your enemye, because I tell you the truth? 17 They are gelous ouer you amysse. Yea, they intende to exclude you, that ye should be feruent to them ward. 18 It is good alwayes to be feruent, so it be in a good thinge, and not onelye when I am presente with you. 19 My lytle chyldren (of whome I trauayle in byrth agayne vntyll Christe be fashyoned in you) 20 I woulde I were with you now, and coulde chaunge my voyce, for I stande in a doubte of you.