Ezekiel 39:11-20

Matthew(i) 11 At the same tyme wyll I geue vnto Gog, a place to be buried in, in Israel: euen the valley where thorow men go from the east to the see warde. Those that trauayle therby, shall abhorre it. There shall Gog and all hys people be buried: and it shalbe called the valleye of the people of Gog. 12 Seuen monethes longe shall the house of Israell be burienge of them that they maye clense the lande. 13 Yee al the people of the lande shall burye them. O it shall be a glorious daye, when I gett me that honoure, sayeth the Lorde God. 14 They shall ordene men also to be deed buriers, euer going thorow the lande, & appoynte them certayne places to bury those in, which remayne vpon the felde, that the lande maye be clensed. From ende to ende shall they seke, and that .vij. monethes longe. 15 Now those that go thorow the land, where they se a mans bone, they shall set vp a token by it, till the deed buriers haue buried it also, in the valleys of the people of Gog. 16 And the name of the cytye shalbe called. Hamonah: Thus shalt they make the land clene. 17 And thou sonne of man: thus sayth the Lorde God: Speake vnto all the foules and euery byrde, yee and to all the wylde beastes of the felde: heape you together and come, gather you rounde aboute vpon my slaughter, that I haue slayne for you: euen a greate slaughter vpon the mountaynes of Israell: eate flesh, and drincke bloude. 18 Ye shall eate the flesh of the worthies, and drynke the bloude of the prynces of the lande: of the wethers, of the lambes of the goates, and of the oxen that be al slayne at Basan. 19 Eate the fat youre belyfull, & dryncke bloud, tyll ye be dronken of the slaughter, whyche I haue slayne vnto you. 20 Fyll you at my table, with horses and stronge horsmen: with captaynes and all men of warre, sayeth the Lorde God.