Ezekiel 40

Matthew(i) 1 In the .xxv. yeare of oure captyuytye, in the beginninge of the yeare, the .x. daye of the moneth: that is the .xiiij. yeare, after that the cyte was smyten downe: the same daye came the hande of the Lorde vpon me, and caried me forth: 2 euen into the lande of Israell brought he me in the vysyons of God: and set me downe vpon a maruelous hye mountayne, where vpon there was a buyldynge (as it had bene of a cyte) towarde the north. 3 Thither he caried me, and beholde, there was a man, whose symylytude was lyke a brasse, which had a threde of flax in his hande, & a metterodde also. He stode in the dore, 4 and sayde vnto me: marcke well with thyne eyes, herken to with thyne eares, & fasten it in thine hert, whatsoeuer I shall shewe the, for to the intent that they myght be shewed the, therfore art thou brought hither. And what soeuer thou seyste, thou shalt certyfye the house of Israel therof. 5 Behalde, there was a wall on the outsyde rounde aboute the house: the meterodde that he had in hys hand, was six cubytes long & a spanne. So he measured the bredth of the buylding, which was a meterodde, & the heygth also a meterodde. 6 Then came he vnto the east dore, and wente vp the stares, and measured the postes of the dore: wherof euery one was a meterodde thicke. Euerye chambre was a meterodde longe & brode: 7 betwene the chambers were fyue cubytes. The poste of the dore within the porche, was one meterodde. 8 He measured also the porche of the ynnermer dore whych conteyned a meterodde. 9 Then measured he the entrye of the dore, that conteyned eght cubytes, and his pylers two cubytes: & this entrye stode inwarde. 10 The chambers of the dore east warde, were thre on euerye syde: a lyke brode and longe. The pylers also that stode of both the sydes, were of one measure. 11 After this, he measured the wydenesse of the dore, which was .x. cubytes, & the heyght of the dore .xiij. cubytes. 12 The edge before the chambres was one cubyte brode vpon both the sydes, and the chambres six cubytes wyde of either syde. 13 He measured the dore from the rygge of one chambre to another, whose wydnesse was .xxv. cubytes, & one dore stode agaynst another. 14 He made pylers also .lx. cubytes hye, rounde aboute the courte dore. 15 Before the inward parte vnto the fore entre of the ynnermer dore, were .L. cubytes. 16 The chambers & their pylers within, rounde about vnto the dore, had sayde wyndowes: So had the fore entries also, whose wyndowes wente rounde about within. And vpon the pylers there stode date trees. 17 Then brought he me in to the fore courte, where as were chambres & paued worckes, made in the fore courte rounde aboute .xxx. chambres vpon one paued worcke. 18 Now the paued worcke was a longe beside the dores, & that was the lower paued worcke. 19 After this, he measured the bredth from the lower dore, vnto the ynnermer courte of the outsyde, which had an .C. cubytes vpon the east & the north parte. 20 And the dore in the vttermost courte towarde the north, measured he after the length and bredth: 21 his thre chambres also on ether side, wyth his pylers & fore entries: which had euen the measure of the first dore. His heygth was fyfty cubytes, the bredth .xxv. cubytes: 22 his wyndowes & porches wyth hys date tres, had euen lyke measure as the dore towarde the east: there were .vij. steppes to go vp vpon, and their porche before them. 23 Now the dore of the ynnermer court stode streight ouer agaynst the dore, that was toward the north east. From one dore to another, he measured .C. cubytes. 24 After that, he brought me to the southsyde, where there stode a dore towarde the south: whose pilers and porches he measured, these had the fyrste measure, 25 & wyth their porches they had wyndowes rounde aboute, lyke the fyrst wyndowes. The heygth was .l. cubites, the bredth .xxv. 26 with steppes to go vp vpon: his porche stode before hym, with his pylers & date tres on either side. 27 And the dore of the ynnermer courte stode towarde the south, & he measured from one dore to another an .C. cubytes. 28 So he brought me in to the ynnermer courte, thorow the dore of the south syde: whych he measured, & it had the measure afore sayd. 29 In lyke maner, his chambres, pylers, & fore entries, had euen the fore sayde measure also. And he had with hys porches rounde aboute wyndowes of .L. cubytes heyght, and .xxv. cubytes brode. 30 The porches rounde aboute were .xxv. cubytes longe, & .v. cubytes brode: 31 and his porche reached vnto the vttermoste court: vpon his pylers there were date trees, and .viij. steppes to go vp vpon. 32 He brought me also in to the ynmost courte vpon the east syde, and measured the dore, accordyng to the measure afore sayd. 33 His chambers, pylers, and porches had euen the same measure, as the fyrst had: & with his porches he had wyndowes rounde aboute. The heigth was .l. cubytes, the bredth .xxv. cubytes: 34 Hys porches reached vnto the vttermoste courte: his pilers also had date trees on eyther syde, & .viij. steppes to go vp vpon. 35 And he brought me to the north dore, and measured it, which also had the fore sayde measure. 36 His chambres, pylers and porches had wyndowes rounde aboute: whose heygth was .L. cubytes, & the bredth .xxv. 37 His pylers stode towarde the vttermost courte, & vpon them both were date trees, and .viij. steppes to go vp vpon. 38 There stode a chambre also, whose intraunce was at the dore pylers, and there the burntofferynges were wasihed. 39 In the dore porche, there stode on ether syde two tables for the slaughtynge: to sleye the brentofferynges, synne offerynges and trespaceoffrynges ther vpon. 40 And on the out syde as men go forth to the north dore, there stode two tables. 41 Foure tables stode on ether syde of the dore, that is .viij. tables, whervpon they slaughted. 42 Foure tables were of hewen stone for the burntofferynges, of a cubyte & a half longe and brode, and one cubyte hye: wher vpon were layed the vessels and ornamentes, whyche were vsed to the burnt and slayne offerynges, when they were slaughted. 43 And within there were hokes foure fyngers brode, fastened rounde aboute, to hange flesh vpon, & vpon the tables was layed the offryng flesh. 44 On the outsyde of the ynnermerdore were the syugers chambers in the inwarde courte besyde the North dore ouer agaynst the South. There stode one also, besyde the east dore northwarde. 45 And he sayde vnto me: This chambre on the South syde belongeth to the prestes, that kepe the habytacyon: 46 and thys towarde the North, is the Prestes that wayte vpon the aulter: which be the sonnes of Sadoch, that do seruyce before the Lorde in steade of the chyldren of Leui. 47 So he measured the fore courte, whych had in length an .C. cubytes, and as moch in bredth by the foure corners. Now the aulter stode before the house: 48 And he brought me to the fore entre of the house, and measured the walles by the entre dore: which were fyue cubytes longe on ether syde. The thicknesse also of the dore on ether syde, was thre cubytes. 49 The length of the porche was .xx. cubytes, the bredth .xi. cubytes, and vpon steppes went men vp to it: by the walles also were pylers, on ether syde one.