11 As trulye as I lyue, I wyll handle the accordynge to thy wrath and gelousy, lyke as thou hast dealt cruellye with them: that I maye be knowen amonge them, how I haue punished the.
12 Yee and that thou also mayest be sure, that I the Lord haue hearde all thy despytefull wordes, whiche thou hast spoken agaynst the mountaynes of Israel, sayinge: Lo, they are made waste, & geuen vs to deuoure.
13 Thus wyth youre mouthes ye haue mayde youre boost agaynst me, yee & multyplyed youre proude wordes agaynst me, which I haue hearde altogether.
14 Wher vnto thus sayeth the Lorde God: when the whole worlde is in wealth, then wyll I make the waste.
15 And like as thou (O mount Seyr) wast glad, because the heretage of the house of Israell was destroyed: euen so wyll I do vnto the also that thou & whole Edom shall be destroyed, and knowe, that I am the Lorde.