13 And thus sayth the Lorde God: I wyll destroye the Idols, and bryng the ymages of Noph to an ende. There shal no more be a Prince of Egypte, and a fearfulnes wyl I sende into the Egypcyans lande.
14 As for Pathures, I wyl make it desolate, & kindle a fire in Zoan. Alexandria wyll I punysh
15 and poure my wrothful indignacion vpon Sin, whiche is the strengthe of Egypte. All the substaunce of Alexandria will I destroye,
16 and kyndle a fyre in Egypte. Sin shalbe in greate heauynesse, Alexandria shalbe roted oute, and Noph shall haue daylye sorowe.
17 The beste men of Helyopolis & Bubasto shalbe slayne wyth the swearde, & caryed awaye captyue.