2 thou sonne of man, wilt thou not reproue his bluodthursty citye? Shewe hem their abhomynacions,
3 and tell them: Thus sayeth the Lorde God: O thou cyty, that sheddest bloude in the middest of the, that thy tyme may come also: & makest the Idoles to defyle the withall.
4 Thou haste made thy selfe gyltye, in the bloud that thou hast shed: & defyled the in the Idoles, whiche thou hast made. Thou hast caused thy dayes to drawe nye, & made the tyme of thy yeares to come. Therfore wyll I make the to be confounded among the Heathen, & to be despysed in all the landes,
5 whether they be nye or farre from the: they shal laugh the to scorne, thou that hast gotten the so foule a name, & art full of myschefe.
6 Beholde, the rulers of Israel haue brought euery man his power, to shed bloud in the.
7 In the haue they dispysed father & mother, in the haue they oppressed the straunger, in the haue they vexed the widdowe and the fatherlesse.
8 Thou haste despysed my Sanctuarye, and vnhalowed my Sabboth.
9 Murtherers are there in the, that shede bloude, & eate vpon the hylles, and in the they vse vnhappynesse.
10 In the haue they discouered their fathers shame, in the haue they vexed wemen in their sicknesse.
11 Euery man hath dealte shamefully wyth hys neyghboures wyfe, and abhomynably defiled his doughter in law. In the hath euery man forced his owne syster, euen his fathers doughter:
12 yea gyftes haue bene receyued in the, to shede bloude. Thou haste taken vsury and encreace, thou haste oppressed thy neyghbours by extorcion, and forgotten me, sayeth the Lorde God.
13 Beholde, I haue smitten my handes vpon thy couetousnesse, that thou hast vsed, and vpon the bloude whyche hath bene shed in the.
14 Is thy herte able to endure it, or may thy handes defende them selues in the tyme that I shall brynge vpon the? Euen I the Lorde that speake it, will brynge it also to passe.
15 I will scatre the amonge the Heathen, and strow the aboute in the landes, & wil cause thy filthinesse to ceasse oute of the:
16 yea and I will haue the possession in the sight of the Heathen, that thou mayest know, that I am the Lorde.
17 And the worde of the Lorde came vnto me sayinge:
18 Thou sonne of man, the house of Israel is turned to drosse. Al they that shoulde be brasse, tynne, yron and leade, are in the fire become drosse.
19 Therfore, thus sayeth the lord God: For so muche as ye all are turned into drosse, beholde, I wyl bringe you together vnto Ierusalem,
20 lyke as syluer, brasse, yron, tynne and leade are put together in the fornace, and the fyre blowen there vnder to melt them. Euen so wil I gather you, put you in together, and melt you in my wrath and indignacyon.
21 I will bringe you together, and kindle the fyre of my cruel displeasure vnder you, that ye may be melted therin.
22 Lyke as the syluer is melted in the fyre, so shal ye also be melted therin, that ye may know, how that I the Lord haue poured my wrath vpon you.