7 Then sayde I vnto them: Cast awaye euerye man the abhomynacyons that he hath before him, and defyle not youre selues with the Idoles of Egipte, for I am the Lorde youre God.
8 But they rebelled agaynst me, and would not folowe me, to cast awaye euery man the abhominacions of his eyes, & to forsake the Idoles of Egipte. Then I made to poure my indignacion ouer them, and to satisfye my wrath vpon them, yea euen in the myddest of the lande of Egipte.
9 But I woulde not do it, for my names sake, that it shoulde not be vnhalowed before the Heathen, amonge whom they dwelt, and among whom I shewed my selfe vnto them, that it woulde brynge them out of the lande of Egipte.