17 When one wente forwarde, they wente all foure, and turned them not about in their goinge.
18 They were large, greate and horryble to loke vpon. Their bodyes were full of eyes round about them all foure. When the beastes wente the wheles wente also with them:
19 And when the beastes lyft them selues vp from the earth, the wheles were lyft vp also.
20 Whether soeuer the sprete wente, thether wente they also, and the wheles were lyft vp, and folowed them: for the sprete of lyfe was in the wheles.
21 When the beastes went forth, stode styll, or lyft them selues vp from the earth: then the wheles also wente, stode styll, and were lyft vp, for the breth of lyfe was in the wheles.