Ezekiel 18:28-32

Matthew(i) 28 For in so muche as he remembreth hym selfe, & turneth him from all the vngodlynes, that he had vsed, he shall lyue, and not dye. 29 And yet sayeth the house of Israell: Tush the waye of the Lorde is not equall. Are my wayes vnryght, O ye house of Israel: Are not youre wayes rather vnequal? 30 As for me I will iudge euery man, accordynge to hys wayes, O ye house of Israel, sayeth the Lord God. Wherfore be conuerted, and turne you cleane from all youre wickednesse, so shall there no sinne do you harme. 31 Caste awaye from you all your vngodlinesse, that ye haue done: make you new hertes and a new spirit. Wherfore will ye dye, O ye house of Israel? 32 seyng, I haue no pleasure in the death of him that dyeth, sayeth the Lorde God. Turne you then, and ye shall lyue.