Ezekiel 18:14-17

Matthew(i) 14 Now yf this man get a sonne also, that seyth al his fathers synnes, whiche he hath done: and feareth, neyther doth such lyke. 15 Namely he eateth not vpon the mountaynes: he lyfteth not his eyes vp to the Idols of Israel: he defyleth not his neighboures wife: 16 he vexeth no man: he kepeth no mans pledge: he neyther spoyleth, nor robbeth anye man: he dealeth his meate with the hongrye: he clotheth the naked: 17 he oppresseth not the poore: he receyueth no vsury, nor any thinge ouer: he kepeth my lawes, and walcketh in my commaundementes: This man shall not dye in his fathers sinne, but shall lyue withoute fayle.