11 Therfore tell them which dawbe it wyth vntempered morter, that it shal fal. For there shal come a great shower of rayne, greate stones shall fall vpon it, and a sore storme of wynde shal breake it,
12 so shall the wal come doune. Shal it not then be sayde vnto you: where is now the morter, that ye daubed it with all?
13 Therfore thus sayth the Lorde God: I wyll breake oute in my wrothfull displeasure with a stormye wynd, so that in myne anger there shall come a myghtye shower of rayne, & hayle stones in my wrath, to destroye withall.
14 As for the wall, that ye haue dawbed wyth vntempered morter, I wyll breake it doune, make it eauen wyth the grounde, so that the foundacyon therof shall remoue, & it shall fal, yea and ye youre selues shall perysh in the middest therof: to learne you for to knowe, that I am the Lord.