Exodus 8:22-32

Matthew(i) 22 But I wyl seperate the same daye, the Lande of Gosan wherein my people are, so that there shall no flyes be there: that thou mayst knowe that I am the Lorde vppon the earth. 23 And I wyl put a deuision betwene my people and thyne. And euen to morrowe shal this myracle be done. 24 And the Lord dyd euen soo: & there came noysom flyes into the house of Pharao, and into hys seruauntes houses, and into all the land of Egypt: so that the lande was marred with flyes. 25 Then Pharao sente for Moses & Aaron & sayd: Go & do sacrifice vnto youre God in the land. 26 And Moses answered: it is not mete so to do. For we muste offer vnto the Lorde oure God, that whiche is abhomination vnto the Egyptians: beholde, shall we sacrifice that which is an abhomination vnto the Egiptians before theyr eyes, and shal they not stone vs? 27 we wyll therfore goo thre dayes iourney into the deserte, and sacrifice vnto the Lorde oure God as he hathe commaunded vs. 28 And Pharao said: I wyl let you goo, that ye may do sacrifice vnto the lord your God in the wildernes: onely go not farre awaye, & se that ye pray for me. 29 And Moses sayed: beholde, I wyll go out frome the and praye vnto the Lord, and the flyes shall depart from Pharao & from his seruauntes and from his people to morrow. But let Pharao from hence forth deceyue no more, that he wyll not lette the people go to sacrifice vnto the Lord. 30 And Moses went out from Pharao and prayed vnto the Lorde. 31 And the Lord did as Moses had said, & toke away the flyes from Pharao & from his seruaunts, & from his people so that ther remayned not one. 32 But for all that Pharao hardened his hert euen then also and would not let the people go.