30 And Moses sayd vnto the chyldren of Israel: behold the Lorde hath called by name Bezaleel the sonne of Dry the sonne of Hur of the tribe of Iuda,
31 and hath fylled him wyth the spirite of God wyth wysedome, vnderstandyng and knoweledge, euen in al maner worcke,
32 & to fynde oute curious worckes, to worcke in gold, siluer, and brasse:
33 and wyth grauynge of stones to sett, & with keruynge in wodd, and to worcke in al maner of sottle workes.
34 And he hath put in his hert the grace to teach: both him & Ahaliab the sonne of Ahisamach of the tribe of Dan
35 hathe he fylled with wisdome of hert, to worke al maner of grauen worke: they are also brotherers and worckers wyth nedle. And Iacyncte, scarlet, purple, and bysse, and are weauers that can make all maner worcke, and can deuise sottle worckes.
36 1 And Bezaliel wrought and Ahaliab and all wyse herted men to whom the Lorde had geuen wisedome and vnderstanding to knowe howe to worcke all maner worcke for the holy seruice, in al that the Lorde commaunded.
2 And Moses called for Bezaleel Ahaliak and al the wise hered men in whose hertes the Lord had putte wisedome, euen as many as their hertes couraged to come to the worcke to worcke it.