21 And they went (as many as their hartes coraged them & as many as their spirites made them wyllynge) and brought heue offringes vnto the Lorde, to the makyng of the tabernacle of wytnesse & for all hys vses & for the holy vestimentes.
22 And the men came with the wemen (euen as many as were wyllyng harted) and brought bracelettes, earynges, rynges & gyrdels & all maner Iewels of golde. And al the men that waued waue offrynges of golde vnto the Lorde
23 and euery man wyth whom was found iacincte, scarlet, purpull, bysse or gootes heare or red skynnes of rammes or taxus skynnes, brought it.
24 And all that haue vp golde or brasse, broughte an heueoffrynge vnto the Lord. And all men wt whom was found sethim wood mete for any maner worke or seruyce, brought it.
25 And al the wemen that were wyse herted to worke wt their handes, spanne, & brought the sponne worke, both of Iacyncte, scarlet, purpul and bysse.
26 And all the wemen that excelled in wysdome of herte, spanne the gotes hayre.
27 And the Lordes brought Onix stones and set stones for the Epod, and for the brest lappe,
28 and spyce & oyle: both for the lyghtes and for the anoyntynge oyle & for the swete cens.
29 And the chyldren of Israel brought willynge offrynges vnto the Lorde, both men & wemen: as many as their hartes made them wyllynge to brynge, for all maner workes whych the Lorde had commaunded to make by the hande of Moses.