32 Syxe braunches shall procede oute of the sydes of the candelsticke .iij. out of the one syde and .iij. out of the other.
33 And there shalbe .iij. cuppes lyke vnto almondes wyth knoppes and floures vpon euerye one of the .vi. braunches that procede out of the candellstycke:
34 & in the candelstycke selfe .iiij. cuppes lyke vnto almondes with their knoppes and floures:
35 that there be a knoppe vnder euery .ij. braunches of the syxe that procede oute of the candelstycke.
36 And the knoppes & the braunches shalbe all together, one pece of pure thycke golde:
37 And thou shalt make .vij. lampes and put them an hye there on, to geue lighte vnto the other syde that is ouer agaynst it:
38 wt snoffers & fyre pannes of pure golde.
39 And an hundred pounde weyghte of fyne golde shall make it wyth al the apparel.
40 And se that thou make them after the facyon that was shewed the in the mounte.