Exodus 19:16-19

Matthew(i) 16 And the thyrde daye in the mornyng there was thunder, & lightening & a thicke cloude vpon the mounte, & the voice of the horne waxed exceadynge loude, & all the people that was in the hoste was afrayed. 17 And Moses brought the people out of the tentes to mete with God, & they stode vnder the hyll. 18 And mounte Sinai was altogether on a smoke: because the Lorde descended doune vpon it in fyre. And the smoke therof ascended vp, as it had bene the smoke of a kylle, & all the mount was exceadyng fearfull. 19 And the voyce of the horne blewe & waxed louder & louder. Moses spake, & God aunswered hym and that with a voyce.