Exodus 13:14-16

Matthew(i) 14 And when thy sonne axeth the in tyme to come saying: what is this? thou shalt say vnto him: with a myghty hand the Lord brought vs out of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. 15 And when Pharao was loth to let vs go, the Lord slewe all the fyrstborne in the lande of Egypte: as well the fyrst borne of men as of beastes. And therfore I sacrifice vnto the Lord al the males that open the matrice, but al the fyrst borne of my chyldren I must redeme. 16 And thys shalbe as a token in thyne hande, & as a thing hanged vp betwene thyne eyes: because the Lorde brought vs out of Egypte wyth a myghtye hande.