2 This moneth shal be your chiefe moneth: euen of the fyrst moneth of the yeare shal it be vnto you.
3 Speake ye vnto all the felowshyp of Israell saying: That they take the .x. day of thys moneth to euery houshold a shepe.
4 If the houshold be to few for a shepe, then let hym & his neighboure that is next vnto his house, take accordynge to the numbre of the soules, & counte vnto a shepe accordynge to euery mans eatynge.
5 A shepe without spot & a male of one yere olde shal it be, and from amonge the lambes and the gootes shal ye take it.
6 And ye shall kepe hym in, vntyll the .xiiij. daye of the same moneth. And euery man of the multitude of Israel shal kyl hym aboute euen.
7 And they shall take of the bloud & strike it on the two side postes & on the vpperdore post of the houses, wherin they eate hym.
8 And they shal eate the flesh the same nyghte, rost with fyre and with vnleuended bread, & wt sowre herbes they shall eate it.
9 Se that ye eate not therof rawe ner soden in water, but rost with fyre: both the head, fete, & purtenance together.
10 And se that ye let nothyng of it remayne vnto the mornyng: yf ought remayne burne it wyth fyre.
11 Of thys maner shal ye eate it: with youre loynes gyrded, and shoes on youre fete, and your staues in your handes. And ye shal eate it in haste, for it is the Lordes passeouer,