Ephesians 4:1-7

Matthew(i) 1 I therfore whiche am in boundes for the Lordes sake, exhorte you, that ye walke worthy of the vocation wherwyth ye are called, 2 in all humblenes of mynde, and mekenes, and longe sufferynge, forbearinge one another thorowe loue, 3 and that ye be diligente to kepe the vnitie of the spirite in the bounde of peace, 4 beynge one bodye, & one spirite, euen as ye are called in one hope of your callinge. 5 Let there be but one Lorde, one fayth, one baptysme, 6 one God and father of all, whiche is aboue al thorowe all and in you all. 7 Vnto euery one of vs is geuen grace accordinge to the measure of the gyfte of Christ.