Ecclesiastes 8:12-14

Matthew(i) 12 But thoughe an euell persone offende an hundred tymes, and haue a longe life: yet am I sure, that it shall go well wyth them that feare God, because they haue hym before their eyes. 13 Againe, as for the vngodly, it shal not be well wyth hym, neyther shall he prolonge his dayes: but euen as a shaddowe, so shal he be that feareth not God. 14 Yet is there a vanitye vpon earth: There be iust men, vnto whome it happeneth, as thoughte they had the workes of the vngodly: Agayne, there be vngodly, wyth whom it goeth as though they had the worckes of the ryghtuousnes, Thys me thynke also a vayne thyng.