Ecclesiastes 2:17-23

Matthew(i) 17 Thus began I to be werye of my lyfe, in so muche that I coulde awaie wyth nothynge that is done vnder the Sunne, for all was but vanytye and vexacion of mynde: 18 Yea I was weerye of al my laboure, which I had taken vnder the Sunne, because I shoulde be fayne to leaue them vnto another man, that commeth after me 19 for who knoweth, whether he shalbe a wyse man or afole? And yet shall he be lorde of al my laboures, which I wyth suche wysdome haue taken vnder the Sunne. Is not this a vayne thynge. 20 So I turned me to refraine my mynd from all such trauayle, as I toke vnder the Sunne 21 for somuch as a man shuld weery hym selfe with wisdome, wt vnderstanding & oportunyte & yet be faine to leaue his laboures vnto another, that neuer swet. for them. This is also a vayne thinge and a greate miserie. 22 For what getteth a man of all the laboure and trauaile of his mind, that he taketh vnder the Sunne, 23 but heauinesse, sorow and disquietnes al the daeis of his life? In so much that his herte can not rest in the night. Is not this also a vaine thing?