22 These wordes the Lord spake vnto al youre multitude in the mount out of the fyre, cloud and darckenes, with a loude voyce & added no more therto, and wrote them in .ij. tables of stone and deliuered them vnto me.
23 But as sone as ye heard the voyce out of the darcknes, and sawe the hyl burne wyth fyre, ye came vnto me all the heades of your tribes and your elders:
24 & ye sayd behold: the Lorde our God hath shewed vs hys glorye & hys greatnes, & we haue heard hys voyce out of the fyre & we haue sene thys day that God may talke with a man and he yet lyue.
25 And now wherfore should we dye that this great fyre should consume vs. If we should heare the voyce of the Lorde our God anye more we should dye.
26 For what is any fleshe that he shoulde heare the voyce of the liuing God speakynge oute of the fyre as we haue done & shoulde yet lyue?
27 Go thou and heare all that the Lorde oure God sayeth, and tell thou vnto vs all that the Lorde oure God sayth vnto the, and we wyl hear it and do it.
28 And the Lorde hearde the voyce of youre wordes when ye spake vnto me, & he sayed vnto me: I haue heard the voice of the words of thys people which they haue spoken vnto the, they haue well sayed all that they haue sayed.
29 Oh that they had such an hert wyth them to feare me and kepe al my commaundementes alway, that it myght go wel with them & with theyr children foreuer.
30 Go and saye vnto theim: gette you into youre tentes agayne,
31 but stande thou here before me and I wyl tell the al the commaundementes, ordinaunces & lawes which thou shalt teache them, that they may do them in the lande whiche I gyue them to possesse.
32 Take hede therfore that ye do as the lord your God hath commaunded you, & turne not a syde: either to the ryght hande or to the lyfte,
33 but walke in all the wayes whych the Lorde youre God hathe commaunded you, that ye maye lyue and that it maye go well wyth you and that ye maye prolonge youre dayes in the land which ye shall possesse.