33 that a nation hath heard the voice of God speaking out of fire as thou hast herde and yet lyued?
34 eyther whether God assaied to go & take him a people from amonge nations, thorowe temptations and sygnes and wonders & thorow warre & wyth a myghty hand and a streatched oute arme and with myghtye terryble syghtes, accordynge vnto all that the Lord your God dyd vnto you in Egypt before your eyes.
35 Vnto the it was shewed, that thou mightest know, howe that the lorde he is God & that there is none but he.
36 Oute of heauen he made the hear hys voyce to nurture the, and vpon earth he shewed the his great fire, and thou heardest hys wordes out of the fyre.
37 And bycause he loued thy fathers, therefore he chose theyr sede after them and broughte the out wyth hys presence and with hys mighty power of Egypte: