Deuteronomy 4:25-27

Matthew(i) 25 If after thou haste gotten chyldren and chyldrens chyldren & hast dwelt long in the lande, ye shall marre your selues and make grauen ymages after the likenes of whatsoeuer it be, and shall worke wyckednes in the syght of the Lord thy God, to prouoke him. 26 I cal heauen and earth to recorde vnto you thys day, that ye shal shortely perishe from of the lande whither ye go ouer Iordan to possesse it: ye shal not prolong your daies therin but shal shortly be destroyed. 27 And the Lorde shal scatter you among nations, & ye shalbe left fewe in numbre among the people whyther the lord shal bryng you,