Deuteronomy 4:16-25

Matthew(i) 16 & make you grauen ymages after whatsoeuer likenes it be: whether after the lykenesse of manne or woman 17 or any maner beaste that is on the earth or of anye maner fethered foule that flyeth in the ayre, 18 or of anye maner worme that creapeth on the earth or of anye maner fish that is in the water beneth the earth. 19 Yea, & least thou lyfte vp thyne eye vnto heauen, & when thou seist the sunne and the mone and the starres and whatsoeuer is contained in heauen, shouldest be deceyued and shouldest bowe thy selfe to them and serue the thynges whych the Lord thy God hathe distributed vnto all nations that are vnder al quarters of heauen. 20 For the Lorde toke you and brought you out of the, yron furnace of Egipt, to be vnto him a people of enheritaunce, as it is come to passe thys daye. 21 Furthermore, the Lorde was angrye wt me for youre sakes & sware, that I shoulde not go ouer Iordan and that I should not go vnto that good land, which the Lorde thy God geueth the to enheritaunce. 22 For I must dye in thys Land, & shal not go ouer Iordan. But ye shall go ouer and conquere that good land. 23 Take hede to your selues therefore, that ye forgett not the appoyntment of the Lorde your god which he made with you, & that ye make you no grauen ymage of whatoeuer it be that the Lorde thy God hath forbydden the. 24 For the Lorde thy God is a consuming fyre, and a gelouse God. 25 If after thou haste gotten chyldren and chyldrens chyldren & hast dwelt long in the lande, ye shall marre your selues and make grauen ymages after the likenes of whatsoeuer it be, and shall worke wyckednes in the syght of the Lord thy God, to prouoke him.