12 Forthermore yf it be a pore body, go not to slepe wt hys pledg
13 but delyuer hym the pledge agayne by that the sonne go doune, & let him slepe in hys awne rayment and blesse the. And it shalbe ryghteousnes vnto the, before the Lord thy god.
14 Thou shalt not defraude an hyred seruaunte that is nedye and poore whether he be of thy brethren or a straunger that is in thy land
15 with in thy cyties. Geue him his hyre the same daye, and let not the sonne go doune theron. For he is nedye and therwith susteyneth hys lyfe, lest he crye agaynst the vnto the Lord and it be synne vnto the.