3 Thou shalte eate no leauened breade therwyth: but shalt eate therwyth the breade of tribulation .vij. dayes longe. For thou camest out of the land of Egipt in haste, that thou maist remembre the day when thou camest out of the land of Egipt all dayes of thy life.
4 And se that there be no leuened bread sene in al thy costes .vij. daies longe, and that there remayne nothynge of the flesh which thou hast offred the first day at euen, vntyl the mornyng.
5 Thou mayst not offer passeouer in any of thy cityes which the Lord thy god geueth th
6 But in the place whiche the Lord thy God shall chose to make his name dwell in, there thou shalt offer passeouer at euen about the goyng downe of the sunne, euen in the ceason that thou camest out of Egypt.
7 And thou shalt seeth & eate it in the place whyche the Lorde thy God hath chosen, & depart on the morow & gette the vnto thy tente.
8 Syxe dayes thou shalt eate swetebreade, and the seuenth daye is for the people to come togither to the Lord thy God, that thou maist do no worcke.