Daniel 8:3-8

Matthew(i) 3 Then I loked vp, and sawe, and beholde there stode before in the riuer, a ramme, whiche had hornes: and these hornes were hye, but one was hyer then another, & the hyest came vp last. 4 I sawe that this ramme pushed with his hornes againste the west, agaynste the north, and againste the south: so that no beastes might stande before him, nor defende them from his power: but he did as him lysted, & waxed greatly. 5 I toke hede vnto this, & then came there an hegoate from the west ouer the whole earthe, and touched not the grounde. This goate had a maruelous goodly horne betwixte his eyes, 6 and came vnto the ramme that had the two hornes (whome I had sene afore by the ryuer syde) and ranne fearcelye vpon him with his might. 7 I sawe him drawe nye vnto the ramme, beynge very fearce vpon him, yea he gaue him suche a stroke, that he brake his two hornes: Neyther had the ramme so much strength as to stande before him: but he cast him doune, trodde him vnder his fete: and no man was able to delyuer the ramme out of his power. 8 The goate waxed exceadinge greate, & when he was at the strongest, his great horne was broken also. Then grewe there other foure suche lyke in the steade, toward the .iiij. windes of the heauen.