Daniel 7:3-17

Matthew(i) 3 and foure great beastes came vp from the sea one vnlyke another. 4 The fyrste was a lion, and yet had he Aegles winges. I sawe, that hys wynges were plucte from him, and he taken awaye from the earth: that he stode vpon hys fete as a man, and that there was geuen him a mans herte. 5 Beholde, the seconde beaste was lyke a beer & stode vpon the one syde. Amonge his teeth in his mouth he had .iij. greate longe teeth, & it was sayde vnto him: Aryse: eate vp, much fleshe. 6 Then I loked, and beholde, there was another lyke vnto a leoparde: thys had wynges as a foule, euen four vpon the backe. This beaste had foure heades, and there was power geuen him. 7 After this I sawe in a vision by night, and beholde, the fourthe beast was grymme and horrible, and maruelous strong. It had great yron teeth, it deuoured and destroyed, and stamped the resydue vnder hys fete. It was farre vnlyke the other beastes, that were before it: for it had ten hornes, whereof I toke good hede. 8 And beholde, there came vp amonge them another lyke horne, before whom there were thre of the fyrste hornes pluckte awaye. Beholde, thys horne had eyes lyke a man, and a mouth speakynge presumptuous thynges. 9 I loked tyl the seates were prepared, and tyll the olde aged sat hym doune. His clothynge was as whyte as snowe, and the hearres of hys heade, lyke the pure woll. His trone was lyke the fyrye flamme, and his wheles as the burnynge fyre. 10 There drewe forthe a fyrye streame, and wente out from him. A thousande tymes a thousande serued him .x.M. tymes ten thousande stode before him. The iudgement was set, and the bokes opened. 11 Then toke I hede therunto, because of the voyce of the proude wordes, whyche the horne spake. I behelde, tyll the beaste was slayne, and his bodye destroyed, and geuen ouer to be brent in the fire. 12 As for the power of the other beastes also it was taken awaye, but their lyues were prolonged for a tyme and season. 13 I sawe in a vision by nyght, and beholde, there came one in the cloudes of heauen lyke the sonne of a man, whyche went vnto the olde aged, before whome they broughte hym. 14 Then gaue he hym power and dignitie regal, that al people trybes and tunges shoulde serue him. Hys power is an euerlastynge power, whych shal neuer be put doune, and his kingdome endureth vncorrupte. 15 My herte was vexed, and I Daniel had a troubled spirite within me, and the visions of my heade made me afrayed: 16 til I gat me vnto one of them that stode by, to knowe the trueth, concernynge all these thynges. So he tolde me, and made me vnderstand the interpretacion of these thinges. 17 These foure greate beastes, are foure kynges, whiche shal arise out of the earth.