3 and foure great beastes came vp from the sea one vnlyke another.
Daniel 7:3 Cross References - Matthew
Psalms 76:4
4 Thou art of more honour and might then the hylles of robbers.
Ezekiel 19:3-8
3 One of her whelpes she brought vp, and it became a lyon it learned to spoyle, and to deuoure folcke.
4 The Heathen hearde of him, and toke hym in their nettes, and brought him in chaynes vnto the lande of Egipte.
5 Now when the damme sawe, that all her hope and comforth was awaye, she toke another of her whelpes, and made a lyon of him
6 which went amonge the lyons, and became a fearce lion, learned to spoyle and to deuoure folcke:
7 he destroyed their palaces, and made their cities waste. In so muche that the whole lande and euery thinge therin, were vtterlye desolate, thorow the very voyce of his roarynge.
8 Then came the Heathen together on euery side oute of all countreyes againste him, layed their nettes for him, and toke him in their pitte.
Daniel 2:32-33
Daniel 2:37-40
37 O kynge, thou arte a kynge of kynges: For the God of heauen hath geuen the a kyngdome, ryches, strengthe and maiestye:
38 & hathe delyuered the all thynges, that are amonge the children of men: the beastes of the feld, and the foules vnder the heauen, and geuen the dominyon ouer them al. Thou arte that golden head.
39 After the there shall aryse another kyngdome, whiche shall be lesse then thyne. The thyrde kyngedome shalbe lyke copper, & haue dominacyon in all landes.
40 The fourthe kyngdome shalbe as stronge as yron. For lyke as yron broseth and breaketh all thynges: Yea euen as yron beateth euery thynge doune, so shall it beate doune and destroye.
Daniel 7:4-8
4 The fyrste was a lion, and yet had he Aegles winges. I sawe, that hys wynges were plucte from him, and he taken awaye from the earth: that he stode vpon hys fete as a man, and that there was geuen him a mans herte.
5 Beholde, the seconde beaste was lyke a beer & stode vpon the one syde. Amonge his teeth in his mouth he had .iij. greate longe teeth, & it was sayde vnto him: Aryse: eate vp, much fleshe.
6 Then I loked, and beholde, there was another lyke vnto a leoparde: thys had wynges as a foule, euen four vpon the backe. This beaste had foure heades, and there was power geuen him.
7 After this I sawe in a vision by night, and beholde, the fourthe beast was grymme and horrible, and maruelous strong. It had great yron teeth, it deuoured and destroyed, and stamped the resydue vnder hys fete. It was farre vnlyke the other beastes, that were before it: for it had ten hornes, whereof I toke good hede.
8 And beholde, there came vp amonge them another lyke horne, before whom there were thre of the fyrste hornes pluckte awaye. Beholde, thys horne had eyes lyke a man, and a mouth speakynge presumptuous thynges.
Daniel 7:17
17 These foure greate beastes, are foure kynges, whiche shal arise out of the earth.
Zechariah 6:1-8
1 Moreouer, I turned me, lyftynge vp myne eyes, and loked: and beholde there came .iiij. charettes oute from betwixte two hylles, whiche hylles were of brasse.
2 In the fyrste charet were reade horse: in the second charet were blacke horse, in the thyrde charette were whyte horse,
3 in the fourthe charet were horses of dyuerse colours and stronge.
4 Then spake I, and sayde vnto the angel that talcked with me: O Lorde, what are these?
5 The Aungell aunswered, and sayde vnto me: These are the .iiij. wyndes of the heauen, whiche be come forthe to stand before the ruler of al the earth.
6 That with the blacke horse wente into the land of the northe, & the whyte folowed them, and the spekled horses wente forthe towarde the southe.
7 These horses were very stronge, and wente oute, and soughte to go, and take theyr iourney ouer the whole earthe. And he sayde: get you hence, & go thorowe the worlde. So they wente thorowe oute the worlde.
8 Then cryed he vpon me, and spake vnto me, saying: beholde, these that go towarde the north, shall styll my wrath in the northe countreye.
Revelation 13:1
1 And I sawe a beaste ryse out of the sea, hauyng .vij. heades, and .x. hornes, and vpon his hornes ten crounes, and vpon his heade the name of blasphemye.