Acts 5:1-11

Matthew(i) 1 A certain man named Ananyas with Saphira his wyfe solde a possession, 2 and kept awaye parte of the price (hys wyfe also beyng of counsel,) and brought a certain parte, and layd it doune at the Apostles fete. 3 Then said Peter. Ananias, how is it, that Sathan hath fylled thyne hert, that thou shouldest lye vnto the holy ghost, and kepe awaye part of the pryce of the lyuelod: 4 Pertained it not vnto the onelie, and after it was solde, was not the price in thine owne power? Howe is that, thou hast conceiued this thinge in thyne herte? Thou hast not lied vnto men, but vnto God. 5 When Ananias hearde these wordes, he fell doune and gaue vp the ghost. And great feare came on all them that hearde these thinges. 6 And the younge men rose vp, and put him a parte and caryed hym out, and buried him. 7 And it fortuned as it were aboute the space of thre houres after that hys wyfe came in, ignoraunt of that whiche was done. 8 And Peter sayed vnto her: Tell me, gaue ye the lande for so much? And she said: ye for so much. 9 Then saied Peter vnto her: why haue ye agreed together to tempte the spiryte of the Lorde? Beholde, the fete of them whiche haue buried thy husbande, are at the dore, and shal cary the out. 10 Then she fell doune straighte waye at his fete, and yelded vp the ghoste. And the yonge men came in and founde her dead, and caryed her out & buried her by her housbande. 11 And great feare came on al the congregation, and on as manie as hearde it.