29 And nowe Lorde, beholde their threateninges, and graunte vnto thy seruauntes with all confidence to speake thy worde.
30 So that thou stretche forth thy hande, that healing and signes and wounders be done by the name of thy holye chylde Iesus.
31 And assone as they had prayed, the place moued where they were assembled together, and they were all filled with the holy ghoste, and they spake the worde of God boldlye.
32 And the multitude of them that beleued were of one herte, and of one soule. Also none of them said that anye of the thinges whyche he possessed, was his owne: but had all thinges commune.
33 And with greate power gaue the Apostles wytnes of the resurreccion of the Lorde Iesus. And greate grace was geuen wt them all.
34 Neyther was there anye amonge them that lacked. For as manie as were possessours of landes and houses, sold them and broughte the price of the thinges, that were solde,
35 and layed it doune at the Apostles fete. And distribution was made vnto euery man accordinge as he had nede.