Acts 27:41-44

Matthew(i) 41 But they chaunsed on a place, whiche had the sea on both the sydes, and thruste in the ship. And the fore part stucke fast and moued not, but the hinder brake wyth the violence of the wawes. 42 The souldiers counsel was to kyll the prysoners, lest anye of them, when he had swome out, shoulde flee awaye. 43 But the vnder captaine willing to saue Paule, kepte them from their purpose, and commaunded that they that could swyme, should cast them selues first into the sea, and scape to land. 44 And the other he commaunded to go, some on bourdes, & some on broken peces of the shyp. And so it came to passe, that they came al safe to lande.