Acts 26:17-20

Matthew(i) 17 vnto the deliuering the from the people, and from the gentils, vnto whiche nowe I sende the, 18 to open theyr eyes, that they myght turne from darckenes to lyght, and from the power of Satan vnto God: that they maye receiue forgeuenes of synnes, and inheritaunce amonge them whyche are sanctyfyed by fayth in me. 19 Wherfore kynge Agrippa I was not disobedient vnto the heauenly vision: 20 but shewed fyrst vnto them of Damasco, and at Hierusalem and through out all the coastes of Iewry, and to the gentyls, that they should repent, & tourne to God, and do the ryght workes of repentaunce.