8 as longe as he aunswered for him selfe, that he had neither againste the lawe of the Iewes, neither againste the temple, nor yet againste Cesar, offended any thynge at al.
9 Festus willing to do the Iewes a pleasure, aunswered Paule & sayd. Wylt thou go to Hierusalem, and there be iudged of these thinges before me?
10 Then saied Paule: I stand at Cesars iudgement seate, where I oughte to be iudged. To the Iewes haue I no harme done, as thou verye wel knowest.
11 Yf I haue hurte them, or committed anye thinge worthye of deathe, I refuse not to dye. Yf none of these thinges are, wherof they accuse me, no man ought to deliuer me to them. I appeale vnto Cesar.