9 On the morow as they wente on theyr iourneye, and drewe nye vnto the cytie, Peter wente vp into the toppe of the house to praye about the .vi. houre.
10 Then wexed he an houngred, and woulde haue eaten. But whyle they made ready, he fell into a traunce,
11 and sawe heauen opened, and a certaine vessel come doune vnto hym as it had bene a greate sheete knyte at the .iiij. corners, and was let doune to the earth,
12 wherin were all maner of .iiij. foted beastes of the earth, and vermen and wormes, and foules of the ayer.
13 And ther came a voyce to hym: ryse Peter kyll and eate.
14 But Peter sayed: God forbydde Lorde, for I haue neuer eaten anye thynge that is comen or vncleane.
15 And the voyce spake vnto hym agayne the seconde tyme: what God hath clensed, that make thou not commen.
16 This was done thrise, and the vessell was receyued vp againe into heauen.
17 While Peter mused in himself: what this vision, whiche he had sene, meant: beholde, the men whiche were sente from Cornelius had made inquiraunce for Simons house, & stode before the dore.
18 And called oute one and axed, whither Simon, whiche was also called Peter were lodged there.
19 While Peter thoughte on thys vision, the spyryte sayed vnto hym: Beholde men seke the,
20 aryse therfore, get the doune, and go with them, and doubt not, for I haue sent them,
21 Peter went doune to the men, whiche were sent vnto hym from Cornelius, and saide. Beholde, I am he whom ye seke, what is the cause, wherfore ye are come?
22 And they sayde vnto him: Cornelius the captaine, a iuste man, and one that feareth God, and of good reporte amonge al the people of the Iewes, was warned by an holye aungel to sende for the into hys house, and to heare wordes of the.
23 Then called he them in, and lodged them. And on the morowe Peter wente awaye wyth them, and certaine brethren from Ioppa accompanyed him.
24 And the thyrd daye entred they into Cesaria. And Cornelius wayted for them, and had called together his kinsmen, and speciall frendes.
25 And as it chaunsed Peter to come in, Cornelius met him, and fel doune at his fete, and worshipped him.
26 But Peter toke him vp saiynge: stand vp: for euen I me selfe am a man.
27 And as he talked wyth him he came in, and founde manye that were come together.
28 And he sayde vnto them: Ye knowe howe that it is an vnlawfull thynge for a man that is a Iewe, to companye or come vnto an aliaunte: but God hath shewed me that I should not cal any man commen, or vncleane:
29 therfore came I vnto you wyth out saiynge naye, assone as I was sente for I axe therfore, for what intente haue ye sent for me?
30 And Cornelius sayde: Thys daye nowe .iiij. dayes I fasted and at the nynthe houre I prayde in my house: and beholde, a man stode before me in brighte clothinge,
31 and sayd: Cornelius, thy prayer is hearde, and thine almes deades are had in remembraunce in the sight of God.
32 Send therfore to Ioppa, and call for Simon whiche is also called Peter. He is lodged in the house of one Simon a tanner by the sea syde, the which assone as he is come, shall speake vnto the.
33 Then sent I for the immediatly, and thou hast wel done for to come. Nowe are we all here present before God, to heare al thinges that are commaunded vnto the of God.