18 Then went kynge Dauid & set hym doune before the Lorde, and sayde: What am I Lorde Iehouah, and what is my kynne, that thou shuldest haue broughte me this farre forth?
19 And is thys a small thyng in thy syght Lorde Iehouah, but that thou shuldest speake also of the seruauntes house for a greate while to come? is this a lawe amonge men Lorde Iehouah?
20 And what can Dauid saye more vnto the, seyng thou knowest thy seruaunt Lorde Iehouah?
21 Euen for thy wordes sake & accordynge to thyne owne herte hast thou done all these greate thynges to make them knowen vnto thy seruaunt.
22 Wherfore thou arte great O Lorde God and there is none lyke the, neyther is there any God saue thou accordyng to al that we haue hearde wyth oure eares.
23 And what one people in the earth is like thy people Israel, whiche God went and delyuered to be hys people, and to make him a name, and to shew them great and terryble thynges in the earthe, before thy people whiche thou redemedst to the oute of Egypte, euen from the people & from theyr Goddes.
24 And thou haste ordeyned thy people Israel to be thy people for euer. And thou Lorde arte theyr God.
25 And nowe Lorde God the thyng thou haste sayd of thy seruaunt and of hys house make it good for euer, and do as thou haste sayde.
26 And let thy name be great for euer, that men maye saye, the Lorde of hostes is the God of Israel: and let the house of thy seruaunt Dauid be stablyshed before the.
27 For thou Lorde of Hostes God of Israel haste tolde in the eare of thy seruaunt saying: I wyll buylde the an house. And therfor hath thy seruaunt founde in hys harte to pray this prayer vnto the.
28 And nowe Lorde Iehouah thou arte the God, and thy wordes muste be true: for thou haste tolde thys goodnesse vnto thy seruaunte.