24 And beholde, Sadock and all the Leuytes were wyth him and bare the arcke of the appoyntmente of God. And when they had set doune the arck of god Abiathar came vp, vntyll the people were all come ouer, oute of the cytye.
25 Then sayde the kynge vnto Sadock. Carye the arcke of God agayne into the cytye. If I shall fynd fauour in the eyes of the Lorde, he wyll bryng me agayne, and shewe me both it and the tabernacle therof also.
26 But and yf the Lorde thus say: I haue no luste vnto the. Beholde, here am I, let hym do wyth me what semeth best in hys eyes.
27 The kynge sayde also vnto Sadoch the prieste: thou arte a sear. Returne therfore into the cytye in peace. And take youre two sonnes wyth you: Ahimaaz thy sonne, and Ionathas the sonne of Abiathar.