2 Samuel 14:17-20

Matthew(i) 17 Then thine handmaid sayd: I praye God that the worde of my Lorde the kinge maye be immutable. For my Lord the kynge is as an angell of God, in hearinge of good or bad: and therfore the Lorde thy God be with the. 18 Then the kyng aunswered & sayd vnto the woman: hyde not from me I pray the the thing that I shall aske the. And the woman saide: let my Lorde the kyng say on. 19 Then said the king: Is not the hand of Ioab with the in all this matter? And the woman aunswered and said: as sure as thy soule liueth my Lorde kinge, it is neyther on the right hande nor on the lefte, that my Lorde the kinge hath spoken. For thy seruaunt Ioab he bad me, and he put all these wordes euen in the mouthe of thyne handemayde. 20 And the turnynge of my tale another waye, that made thy seruaunte Ioab. And so I se that my Lorde is wise euen as an Angell of God, to vnderstande all thinges that are in the earth.