10 namely them that walke after the fleshe in the luste of vncleanes, and despyse the rulars. Presumpteous are they, & stubborne and feare not to speake euyl of them that are in authoritie.
11 When the angels which are greater both in power and might, receiue not of the Lorde railing iudgement agaynste them.
12 But these as brute beastes naturallye made to be taken and destroyed, speake euyll of that they knowe not, and shal perishe thorow their owne destruccion,
13 and receiue the reward of vnrightuousnes. They count it pleasure to lyue deliciously for a season. Spottes they are and filthines, liuinge at pleasure, and in disceiueable waies feastinge with you,
14 hauinge eyes full of aduoutrye, and that can not cease to synne, begilinge vnstable soules. Hertes they haue exercised with couetousues. They are cursed children,