2 Kings 17:32-41

Matthew(i) 32 And though they feared the Lorde, yet they made them priestes of the loweste of the people, for the hyllaultars, whiche sacrifyced for them in the houses of the hyll aulters. 33 And so they feared the Lorde, and yet serued theyr owne Goddes after the maner of the people from whence they were brought. 34 Vnto thys daye they do after the olde maner: they neyther feare the Lorde, neyther do after theyr owne ordynaunces and customes, and after the lawe & commaundement whiche the Lord commaunded the chyldren of Iacob whose name he called Israel, 35 and made an appoyntmente with them and charged them saying: feare not any other Goddes, nor bow your selues to them nor serue them, nor sacrifice to them: 36 but to the Lorde whych brought you oute of the lande of Egypte wyth greate powre & a stretched out arme: hym feare & to him bowe & to him do sacrifice. 37 And the ordinaunces, customes, law & commaundement which I wrote for you, se that ye be diligente to do for euermore, & feare not any other Goddes. 38 And the appoyntement that I haue made wyth you, se ye forget not, and that you feare none other Goddes: 39 but the Lorde youre God ye shall feare, & he shall delyuer you out of the handes of all youre enemies. 40 How be it they hearde not, but dyd after the olde maner. 41 And euen so dyd these nacions feare the Lorde & serue theyr ymages therto: & so dyd their children & theyr chyldrens children to. Euen as dyd theyr fathers, so do they vnto this daye.