2 Kings 17:3-23

Matthew(i) 3 And Salmanasar kynge of Assyrya came vpon him, & Hosea became hys seruaunte, and gaue hym presentes. 4 And the kynge of Assyrya founde treason in Hosea, because he had sente messengers to Sua kynge of Egypte, and sente no presentes vnto the kynge of Assyrya, as he was yerely wonte to do. Therfore the kynge of Assyrya beseged hym, and put hym in pryson. 5 And then the kyng of Assyrya came thorououte all the londe, & came to Samaria & beseged it thre yeare. 6 And in the nynthe yeare of Hosea, the kynge of Assyrya toke Samaria & caryed Israel away vnto Assyrya, & put them in Hala, in Habor on the riuer of Gozan, & in the cytyes of the Medes. 7 For the chyldren of Israel had synned agaynst the Lorde theyr God whiche brought them oute of the lande of Egypt, from vnder the hande of Pharao kyng of Egypt, and feared other Goddes. 8 And they walked in the ordinaunce of the hethen which the Lorde caste oute before the children of Israel, and in the thynges which the kynges of Israell had made. 9 And the chyldren of Israel wrapt them selues in thynges that were not well toward the Lorde their God. And they buylte them hylaulters in al theyr cytyes, bothe in the toures where they kepte watche, and also in the strong tounes. 10 And they made them Images & groues on euerye hye hyll, & vnder euerye grene tree. 11 And there they sacrifyced in the hylaulters, as dyd the hethen which the Lorde caried awaye at theyr commynge, & wrought weked dedes, to angre the Lord wyth al. 12 And they serued Idoles, wherof the Lord had said to them: ye shall not do so. 13 And the Lorde testifyed to Israel & to Iuda, by all the Prophetes & by al the sears sayinge: Turne from youre wicked wayes & kepe my commaundementes & myne ordinaunces accordynge to all the lawes which I commaunded youre fathers, & as I sente to you by my seruauntes the prophetes. 14 Notwithstanding they wolde not heare, but hardened their neckes, lyke to the neckes of their fathers that dyd not beleue the Lorde theyr God. 15 And they refused his ordinaunce & his appoyntemente that he had made wyth theyr fathers, and the wytnesse which he had witnessed to them, and folowed vanitie and became vayne, lyke to the hethen that were rounde aboute them, of whiche the Lorde had charged them, that they shuld not do lyke them. 16 But they lefte the commaundementes of the Lorde their God, and made them Images of metall, euen .ij. calues: & made groues, and bowed them selues vnto all the host of heauen, & serued Baal, 17 And they sacrificed their sonnes & their doughters in fyre, & vsed witchcraft & enchauntementes, & were solde to worcke wickednes in the sight of the Lorde for to angre hym. 18 Wherfore the Lorde was excedyng wrothe with Israel & put them oute of hys sighte, that there was lefte but the trybe of Iuda onelye, 19 and therto Iuda kept not the commaundementes of the Lorde theyr God, but walked in the ordinaunces of Israel whiche they had made. 20 Therfore the Lorde caste vp all the seed of Israell, and vexed them and delyuered them into the handes of spoylers, vntyll he had cast them oute of his syght. 21 And Israel deuyded them selues from the house of Dauid, and made Ieroboam the sonne of Nabat kynge. Which Ieroboam thruste Israel awaye from the Lorde, and made them synne a great synne. 22 And so the children of Israel walcked in al the synne of Ieroboam which he had set vp, and departed not therefrom, 23 vntyll the Lorde had put Israel awaye oute of hys sighte, as he sayde by al his seruauntes the prophetes. And so he translated Israel oute of theyr lande to Assyrya, euen vnto this daye.