2 Kings 17:1-4

Matthew(i) 1 In the .xij. yeare of Ahaz kynge of Iuda, Hosea sonne of Elah beganne to raigne in Samaria, vpon Israel, & continued .ix. year 2 & dyd that displeased the Lord, but not so euyll as dyd the kynges of Israel that were before hym. 3 And Salmanasar kynge of Assyrya came vpon him, & Hosea became hys seruaunte, and gaue hym presentes. 4 And the kynge of Assyrya founde treason in Hosea, because he had sente messengers to Sua kynge of Egypte, and sente no presentes vnto the kynge of Assyrya, as he was yerely wonte to do. Therfore the kynge of Assyrya beseged hym, and put hym in pryson.