2 Chronicles 7:7-10

Matthew(i) 7 Moreouer Salomon halowed the myddle of the courte that was before the Lorde: for there he offered burntofferynges and the fat of the peaceofferynges, because the brasen aulter which Salomon had made, was not able to receyue the burntofferynges and the meat offerynges and the fatte. 8 And Salomon kepte a feast the same ceason of seuen dayes, and all Israel with hym, an exceadynge great congregacyon, euen from Hemath vnto the ryuer of Egypte. 9 And the eyght daye they made a gatheryng. For they kept the halowyng of the aulter seuen dayes, & the feast seuen dayes. 10 And the .xxiij. daye of the seuenth moneth, he let the people departe into theyr tentes, glad & merye in herte for the goodnesse that the Lord had shewed to Dauid, to Salomon & to Israel hys people.