2 Chronicles 8

Matthew(i) 1 And after .xx. yeare when Salomon had buylt the house of the Lorde and hys owne house: 2 he buylte the cytyes that Hiram gaue him, and put of the children of Israel in them. 3 And Salomon went to Hemath Zobah and strengthed it. 4 And he buylte Thadmor in the wyldernesse and all the store cytyes whiche he buylte in Hemath. 5 And he buylt Bethhoron the vpper & Bethhoron the nether, and made them stronge cytyes wyth walles, gates, & barres. 6 And Baalath & all the store cyties that Salomon had, & al the charet cytyes & the cities of Horsmen, and all that Salomon had lust to buyld in Ierusalem and Libanon, and thorowoute all the lande of his domynyon. 7 And all the people that were left of the Hethites, Amorites, Pheresites, Heuites and Iebusites, which were not of the chyldren of Israel: 8 euen the children of them, which were left after them in the lande, and were not consumed of the chyldren of Israel, then dyd Salomon make trybutaryes vnto thys daye. 9 But of the chyldren of Israel dyd Salomon make no bondemen in his worke: but they were men of warre & rulers & great Lordes wyth him, & capytaynes ouer hys charettes and horsmen. 10 And kyng Salomons offycers that ouersaw and ruled the people, were two hundred and fyftye. 11 And Salomon brought the doughter of Pharao oute of the citie of Dauid into the house that he had made for her. For he saide: my wyfe shall not dwelle in the house of Dauid kynge of Israel, for it is holy, because the arcke of the Lorde came into it. 12 And from thence forthe Salomon offered burntofferynges vnto the Lorde on the aulter of the Lord which he had buylt before the porc 13 to offer day by daye accordynge to the commaundement of Moses, & in the Sabbotes & newe mones, and the thre solempne feastes of the yeare, the feast of swete breade, the feast of wekes and the feast of bothes. 14 And Salomon put the sortes of pryestes in companyes as Dauid hys father had ordered them, vnto the offyces, & the Leuites vnto theyr wayt, for to prayse & mynystre before the priestes daye by daye, and the porters by course at euerye gate. For so had Dauid the man of God commaunded. 15 And the commaundement of the kynge vnto the priestes & the Leuites concernyng whatsoeuer cause it was, and concernynge the treasures, was not disobeyed. 16 And all the worke of Salomon wente lustely forwarde euen vnto the daye of the foundacyon of the house of the Lorde was layde: & from thence tyll he had fynyshed it, that the house of the Lorde was perfecte. 17 And then went kynge Salomon to Azion Gaber and to Eloth & to the seas syde in the land of Edom. 18 And Hiram sent hym by the hande of his seruauntes, shyppes and seruauntes that coulde saille of the sea. Which went with the seruauntes of Salomon to Ophir, and brought thence foure hundred and fyftye talentes of goulde, and brought it to kinge Salomon.