2 Chronicles 1:10-12

Matthew(i) 10 Wherfore geue me wisdome and knowledge how to behaue my selfe vnto thys people: for who is able to iudge thys people that is so greate? 11 Then God said to Salomon, because thou haddest thys in thyne herte, and dyddest not aske treasure and rychesse, honoure & the lyues of thyne enemyes, neyther yet longe lyfe: But hast asked wysdome and knoweledge, to iudge my people, ouer whiche I haue made the kyng: 12 wisdome and knowledge shalbe geuen the, and I wyll geue the treasure, rychesse, & glorye also, that amonge the kynges before the or after the, none was or shalbe lyke the.