6 and sayde to the iudges: take hede what ye do for ye be not iudges in the lawe of man, but of God, whyche is wyth you in the wordes of the law.
7 Wherfore let the feare of the lord be wyth you, and take hede and do it. For there is no vnryghteousnesse in the Lord our God nor regarding of persones, nor taking of rewardes.
8 Moreouer in Ierusalem dyd Iehosaphat set of the Leuites & of the pryestes and of the auncyent heades of Israel, ouer the customes of the Lorde & causes of stryfe. And then they returned agayn to Ierusalem.
9 And he charged them saying: do euen so in the feare of the lord with truthe and pure herte.
10 And whatsoeuer come to you of youre brethren that dwell in their cytyes, betwene bloude & bloude, lawe, commaundement, ordinaunces, and customes, so that ye warne them, that they trespace not agaynst the Lorde, leste wrath come vpon you and on youre brethren. Thus do and ye shal not offende.