12 And the Lord smote the blacke Mores before Asa & Iuda, that they fled.
13 And Asa & the people that was with hym, folowed after them as ferre as Gerar. And the blacke Mores were ouerthrowen, that there bode none alyue of them, but were destroyed of the lord, and of the Hoste. And they caryed awaye a myghty greate pray.
14 And they smote all the cities rounde aboute Gerar. For the feare of the Lorde came vpon them. And they robbed all the cities, for there was exceadyng muche to be robbed in them.
15 And therto they smote the tentes of cattel, and caryed awayed plentye of shepe and camelles, and returned to Ierusalem.